The Wee Peeple Newsletter

May 2024                                 Issue 207






Also known as:

Bodice Babes, Corset Courtesans, Cleavage Cleopatras and



as they jokingly call themselves: Valley Girls!!




Dolls made especially to be tucked right into

M'Lady's Front Office! Indeed!


yet... essentially they are but simple




also known as:

 Tiny Dolls



Tiny Dolls

 meet and match Mushroom Madness..

That's right. Whenever these Tiny Girls are not

wayfaring around in their Buxom Bippity-Boppities...



they are apt to take refuge in

certain Wee Mushroom Forests!



where, in fey demonstrations of

the Sympathetic Fabrical Magical kind

 namely- "Like-attracts-Like"

they are swiftly able to

blend in with their surroundings!



And one can Just Imagine







Every year the Dollmaker receives requests for




SO... The Lady Pins are Back!

Yes, Another Iteration of this popular Accessory!

This time they are adorned with Sequined Fringe!

Very Fancy!




 The Sequined Fringe is so luxurious that the Dollmaker

was compelled to move on to larger surface areas..










Now that the Dollmaker has finally started making

what passes for dolls again these days...


How's that Art Installation going?






So far, so good!



The Dollmaker's Idea for a Seasonal Circle of Life Mandala



The 4'x4' Mandala will be installed

to the left of the front door at the

Mary Nichols Art Center on Loop 230 and Burleson Street

in Smithville, Texas, in July or August of 2024

as part of a larger Mosaic project covering most of the building.



The Dollmaker's statement is that she is having

gangs of fun with the community members joining in!

Adults, Children, Moms,

and random aesthetically-blessed individuals interested in

a Maker Space in Smithville-

-all these people just show up to work on Art Projects.

The Smithville Community Gardens Building on 2nd Street and Lee.

Thursday and Friday afternoons.

The Circle of Life Mandala

 is set up in it's own work space now!

Come on over and add something to it!







Found!  Old Photo Albums!!

These exact Photos were Lost in the Fire!

photos of  Vintage Wee Peeple Dolls!



Remember! There were Always Copies!

The ubiquitous COPIES!!


Photos that the Dollmaker took decades ago,

as early as 1980!

Photos she shared back then... with the Family!

Lost in the Fire!

Now recovered and returned!


The Miraculous Return of Vaporized Photos!


 Darling daughter, Shannon

 Angel of Albums! Arrived

On Mother's Day! no less!

bearing a Treasure Trove of Photo Albums...

from the Estates of

her Father and Grandparents!


Pictures mostly taken by the Dollmaker herself..

 All the 80's. All the 90's..

Shannon's whole childhood!

..preserved all this time...


and in This Moment

such a gift!


And Vintage Publicity from the 80's

Newspaper clippings and that sort of memorabilia...

remembering December of 1983 when the Wee Peeple were featured in

Texas Highways Magazine



some amazing stuff..

 ..even the time Ram Dass signed the Dollmaker's copy

 of Be Here Now!

That was in 1987!




A great collection

 of treasured old photos

and nicely dated too!

Big thanks

to darling daughter Shannon!



The Vintage Photos

have been relocated into

 fresh clean new albums

until the Dollmaker can transfer them

to digital format...




Not ONLY did Shannon bring forth the precious Photos

 of the Wee Peeple Dolls!

She ALSO brought home to mother some of the

 Original Wee Peeple Dolls, themselves!

(from her Grandmother's Collection!)



That was a really great Mother's Day!





May Day! The first May Flower!! a Water lily!


And the first ripe Tomato..


 an already-amazing Cucumber Crop!



Collecting smooth rocks,

all washed and drying in the sun..

while the Stargazer Lily

begins to bud out.

A beautiful May morning!



Looking forward to

battling the raccoons for

the June Harvest of Peaches!



Enjoy the Universe!




Back to Home Page



Follow your Bliss!



(Return of the Green)

In October and November

the Dolls are at the





Cleavage Witches!

Rock Critters and Rock Heads

Animal Totems Page


Smithville, TX  78957


The Paintings



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The Wee Men





Art using Recycled Materials





Wee Peeple

Newsletter Topics

Mermaid Page


Sacred Datura

The story of
 Grandfather Frost

The story of
The Card


The Story of the
Three Dresses



The Story of
Lady Nevermind


The story of
Vasilisa the Brave


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Thanks goes out to:

Cool Text: Free Graphics Generator


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