The Wee Peeple Newsletter

April 2024                                  Issue 206





The Dollmaker Returns to Dollmaking!

Well... not quite...


Does Mushroom-making count as Dollmaking?? this point, yes.



It's a start... and three cheers for the evolution

of a distinctly new Mushroom Species in the Wee World!!

This type uses Batiks and other previously forbidden fabrics...



When things pop up out of the compost:

Sympathetic Mushroom Consciousness:

a sudden Discovery of Garden-hardened

Real Avocado Peel Mushroom Caps!

Accidental! Real! Inviting! Rare! Convincing! Elusive! Organic!

So delicately hardened!  Must conjure more of these!

(It's all in the way you cut the avocado!)



so... onwards- towards more forbidden fabrics and Variations on a Theme! 

while Mycelial fibers spread, unnoticed, throughout the Underworld...










ah, Smithville...





Creating Public Art in Smithville, Texas


The Lost Pines Artisans Alliance

has been awarded a grant by the Texas Commission on the Arts


a giant Mosaic Installation


The Theme:

"Natural Resources and Agriculture"

Wow! What?



Local Artists to Mosaic the outside of THIS Building!


Right Ho!  A two-story Mosaic Creation

to be Installed atop the extant shiplap siding, intending to beautify

 the Mary Nichols Art Center

and galvanize the Smithville Community into Artsy Action!

Open Invitation! Come one! Come All!

Anyone can join in a public "Mosaic Maker's Workshop"

and take pride in helping to create what is sure to become

a historical (and hopefully not hysterical) local Icon!



A team of Artists was selected to visualize and promote this project

linking Art to Agriculture through the medium of Mosaics

(among them, the Dollmaker)


The Goal of the Project (as defined by the Grant)

is to instill an appreciation for local

"Natural Resources and Agriculture"


The Dollmaker was assigned a sheltered spot under the porch roof...

to the left of the Front Door..

 ..probably due to her misunderstanding that it was a good idea to bring

an impressive variety of organic materials to the first meeting..


(She has decided, since then, to only use "Faux" Organic materials..

such as Rocks painted to look like corn, not real corn.. etc..)




So, the Dollmaker's Design

started with the Idea of Concentric Circles

radiating out from a central "sun"

in the manner of Van Gogh...





Concentric Circles. Laid out on Hardie Board.

Representing the Cycles of Life. The Cyclical Seasons... The Expanding Universe!

...the pastoral charm of Hay Bales drying in the sun...




of course, in Texas, all Seasons are not equal...


So... Nine Hardie Board squares form the Circle.

The Whole Design can be broken down into

nine easily moveable pieces

making it efficient for Community Members to work on the project.



The Dollmaker will be asking her Participants

 to think of relevant objects which could be added to each section of

the Circle of Life

Since many of her Participants will be children

this is going to get interesting...


Workshops, in fact, will take place at the cool Community Gardens Building

featuring a Ray-Bradbury-style-Imaginarium of tantalizing jars full of curious Mosaic Possibilities

for artistically inclined Minds!


She finds laying the project out on the floor is helpful.

starting with the central Nine Hardie Board Squares..




Experimenting with Floral Designs, Thin Set, Adhesives and some colors.


Mosaic Design Materials may include

"River Rocks" from the Colorado River,

Natural articles such as local Snail Shells,

"Burned Tools", glass beads, and marbles all salvaged

from the ashes of the historic Bastrop Fire,

along with other fragments of weather-resistant metals, ceramics, and stone

which could represent Seeds and other Organic Life Forms...

The committee discussed plastering actual Seeds to the walls

but decided that real seeds would deteriorate in time.

(or -worst case- sprout!)






so, New Beginnings, as predicted..

Installation using bucket trucks etc is targeted for mid-July

with a grand End-of-Project Celebration no later than August 15th.

Right now the participating Artists are working on their designs,

ordering and gathering supplies.

We shall see how all this turns out... stay tuned.













Almost every day in April

new flowers popped out in the Highway Gardens!

Such a Joy!


Increased incentive to clear away the grass

and build more new raised beds!



 Time for a fresh load of Garden Rocks! 



The Dollmaker just loves Rock Borders!








Enjoy, along with the Dollmaker, the vibrant new energy of Spring!




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Follow your Bliss!



(Return of the Green)

In October and November

the Dolls are at the





Rock Critters and Rock Heads

Animal Totems Page


Smithville, TX  78957


The Paintings



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Sacred Datura

The story of
 Grandfather Frost

The story of
The Card


The Story of the
Three Dresses



The Story of
Lady Nevermind


The story of
Vasilisa the Brave





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